HELP!! I need to sell my house but, it has been picked up on the survey that I have a old sewage tank that is producing sewage to the ditch and this is not compliant under current Environment Agency Legislation…
What can I do? I don’t want to spend a fortune replacing it with a whole new system, which will cost me thousands of pounds???
Our solution… you can fit a MINI SEWAGE PLANT behind the old tank. This will treat the sewage to give it the required standard of water quality required by the EA. It will produce a clear water sample that is acceptable and that can be discharged to the ditch, quite safely.
The installation of one of these Mini Systems will be sufficient and no where near as costly to install one of the larger sewage plants. This will mean you are then compliant.
You could also fit a SPECIAL FILTER in the tank. These filters reduce the solids by 90%, thus helping the MINI SYSTEM to produce clear water.
All products installed meet all the required criteria that is Environmental Agency approved for the discharge to a water course. You also have a duty to make sure the equipment is in working order and de-sludged on a regular basis
You will need to prove that your Sewage System is in good-working order and is Environment Agency compliant BEFORE your house sale can proceed. ASHWASTE can design, install and commission your complete Sewage System, contact us today.